A DIY Guide to Building Backyard MTB Practice Obstacles


Written by: Patrick Mitzel - RLC member since 2017

Over the years I’ve put a lot of effort into creating MTB skill features to help me progress through certain skills and progressions found throughout Ryan Leech Connection's online courses.

I find it hard in my usual work week to take the time to drive to a park to session MTB skills. Having MTB features in my yard allows me to have quick practice sessions whenever I feel the urge.

Some of the features have been heavily modified as I have increased my skill level or realized the design could be improved. For each of the feature types, I have provided the path to the RLC lessons that could make use of that feature.

I put this article together because I thought it would be helpful to other MTB skill enthusiasts and hopefully it can inspire some feature builds and help you save some time. 

Want the complete guide? Download it here


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